What feelings did I consistently experience in last year?

During the course of our lives we all feel a mixture of emotion on a daily basis. Sometimes we are happy, sometimes we are sad, sometimes angry other times at peace. We give them a myriad of different names and we attribute to them a variety of causes. It is clear that we work to achieve things and to be...

The First Step For Successful Time Management and Goal Setting

Have you noticed that no matter what you do, you always have exactly the same amount of time as everyone else? We all have 24 hours in every day. Have you also noticed that some people seem to be able to earn vast amounts of money in the 24 hours that they have and others struggle to get by. Some people seem...

How do you define Success?

In this system it is important for you to define your success, as you cannot achieve it if you do not have a clear idea of what it looks like when you get there. In addition you will almost certainly have different areas of your life that will have different definitions of success. For example your concept...

Happiness in Success

Happiness is not the result of success – it is the fuel of success. And happiness comes from the beliefs we have about what it takes to be happy. For example, if you believe that you need a big house, a fast car and children to be happy, but you have none of these then you will be unhappy. However, you may...