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Time Management Tip #2 –...

There is a simple fact of life that most people do not realise. No matter what you want you have to invest to get it. It does not matter whether it is a happy family or a lot of money, you have to invest to get it. What you invest can vary, it could be that you invest...

Time Management Tip #1 –...

Knowing the techniques of Time Management mean nothing if you do not make the use of them your top priority every day. Time management only works if it is the first thing you focus on every day. Share  

No system for managing project...

 When I started my first business, my organisation was a draw in my desk. When that got full I had a tray on the desk. Before that got full I realised that I was wasting vast amounts of time either because I was searching for information, or I thought I had completed...

What Roles did I play last yea...

In the course of each year we find that there are specific roles or functions that we perform, almost like parts being played in a movie. Some may seem minor and unimportant, whilst others form a core element of our identity. Some of the roles we play are life long,...

Values and Beliefs

As discussed earlier, we all have core values and beliefs; whether we know it or not. These values and beliefs completely determine the direction of your life – nothing else has such a profound effect on your future. So sorting this area out will make all the...

Planning Your Week

Once you have your month planned, it is time to break that down into weekly chunks that you can then break down into daily tasks. Planning your week is very much the same as planning your month in that you take your goals for the month and break them down into weekly...


It is not possible to effectively train staff on-the-job except on a one-to-one basis, which makes implementation across the company time consuming and less likely to show an immediately visible change in productivity. This means that the results are more difficult to...
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recent from Time Management Time Management Tip #3 – Get Balance In Your Life!
Time Management Tip #3 – Get Balance In Your Life! Time management is a key element in any success achievement, it is a key factor in getting the outcomes you desire. BUT, it is important to ensure that you use the strategies and techniques to build a complete and rounded life, because if you only focus on your top financial or business goals, then you are...
recent from success What feelings did I consistently experience in last year?
During the course of our lives we all feel a mixture of emotion on a daily basis. Sometimes we are happy, sometimes we are sad, sometimes angry other times at peace. We give them a myriad of different names and we attribute to them a variety of causes. It is clear that we work to achieve things and to be...
recent from Goal Setting What Roles did I play last year?
In the course of each year we find that there are specific roles or functions that we perform, almost like parts being played in a movie. Some may seem minor and unimportant, whilst others form a core element of our identity. Some of the roles we play are life long, whilst others are transient, perhaps only...
recent from video Time Management Killer- No Organisation
Time management strategies are critical to effective goal achieving. Failing to effectively organise your information can massively steal your time.